10 Tips To Handle Pressure At Work
If work pressure is a part of your daily routine, you will be glad to know there are things you can do both to reduce pressure and prove to others that you are effective in dealing with it. Practice using these tips, and you will find you become better and better at dealing with pressure that you face at work in an effective manner. Give examples of how you handled stressful situations in your past jobs, and show the interviewer how you perform under pressure. Do not say that you are bad at working in stressful situations, nor do you cite any times you failed to perform a task successfully because you were stressed. The recruiter or hiring manager may also want to know how well you handle stressful situations outside of work, as those may impact how you do at your job. The interviewer is really wanting to see whether or not you are capable of handling job-related stress, as well as how you cope with especially stressful situations on the job. That way, the interviewer can ...